So, Saturday- Feb. 28th- we had some CRAZY weather! There were tornado warnings all around us (apparently, one touched down just a few miles from here. It rained like crazy! Our yard was so flooded- it looked like we lived on beach front property! Here are some pictures while it was still raining:
This might not look like much, but I went out there and stood in the puddle, the fence was forming a dam and the puddle went almost to my knees....

This is probably a good 6 inches of water...

Well, after the rain stopped, we all went outside to look at the damage. We were in shorts and tee shirts- it was like 75 degrees.... BUT we woke up on Sunday to....
SNOW!!!!! March 1st in Alabama, and we got about 6 inches of snow.

Mary and our neighbor, Robert playing in the snow (keep in mind this is about 9:30 in the morning...It had pretty much just started snowing)


Richard building a snowman (Notice there is already more snow!)

Mary- eating the snowmans nose

Mary and Robert by the snowman

She wanted to go back outside!


Our yard!!

Our house from the front

We figured this was a good time to lite a fire! Our first fire in the fireplace!!

After the almost blizzard like conditions, we went back outside

She was trying to make a snowball
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