Monday, January 7, 2008

T'was The Night Before Christmas...

We had SUCH a great Christmas Eve and Christmas day!! Christmas Eve, we went to the annual party and the Paladino's followed by caroling! Mary seemed to enjoy that dispite the cold! (She loves singing!) Then we went to Midnight Mass where she behaved so well!! After Mass, we tried to get some good pictures of her in her pretty Christmas dress, and as usual, she was posing like a little model!!

Mary posing in Mommy's old rocking chair. She loves climbing up onto it- she thinks it makes her a big girl!

Mary making her funny face!

I LOVE this picture of her! She loves Mommy's old Christmas bear and she has the prettiest smile in the picture!!

While taking pictures, she started dancing to a music box- too cute!

Mary in her Christmas nighties...

Mommy reading "The Night Before Christmas" before Mary goes to bed!

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