Thursday, September 6, 2007

Adventures of Bunny!

Mary sleeping with Bunny

A slight miracle happened that I just have to write about. On Sunday, we lost "Bunny", Mary's much loved bunny rabit/ blanket. We had a cook out at our friends moms house and somehow "Bunny" didn't make it into the truck! We were so upset!! Even though we had bought a back up bunny, it was still sad!! Our friends looked EVERYWHERE for "Bunny" but couldn't find it!! On Wednesday, Mary and I were watching old home videos of when she was younger and "Bunny" just kept popping up everywhere. So, I thought I would utter a quick prayer to St. Anthony. I asked him if he got some time could he possibly help find "Bunny" and not two minutes later, Ginnie called to tell me they found "Bunny"! She was out in the corn field and her husband just happened to glance that way as he was taking a load out to the compost!!! I couldn't believe it! Anyway, we have "Bunny" back and Mary is happy again!! (I don't think she actually realized it was lost....)

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