We've been having some difficulty with our computer and camera lately...So, I FINALLY got it all figured out!!! As I've been scanning through the pictures- it surprises me how much Mary has changed in just a few weeks!!! She's become so vocal lately!! Her list of words she can CLEARLY say are: juice, milk, Bubby (thats what we call Hudson), out, cracker, good, yum yum, there, cheese, Bunny, KK (Aunt Karen...we call her KK), TT (Aunt Terie...we call her TT), Gran, she said Grandaddy (it sounded more like Gan- daddy...), okay, kitty, and of course the basics like mommy, daddy, bye bye, and hey!!! She also knows what sounds the following animals make: Bears, horses, kittys, puppys, monkeys, sheep, and fish! (I know fish don't make a noise...but she opens and closes her mouth quickly like a fish does!!) She has also used her potty twice now!!! She's growing up so quickly!!